Recipe Submission

Over the years our customers have gotten creative.

Sure, Cougar Cheese is great alone. It's even better with crackers, bread or fruit. But some Cougar fans have dared to be different, to think outside the tin. They bake Cougar Gold inside mushrooms or serve it in pastries for desert. They toss it in salads, melt it into soups and dress it up as appetizers.

Do you have a favorite way to serve your Cougar Cheese? You're in the right place, whether you're a weekend master chef or just a master at making a really good Grilled Cheese sandwich. So, share with us (and the rest of the world) your favorite Cougar Cheese recipes. To submit your favorite Cougar Cheese recipe, and possibly be published on our website, simply fill out the following*:

*Each respondent irrevocably assigns and transfers to Ferdinand’s/WSU Creamery all rights in entry including without limitation the right to publish, use, adapt, edit and/or modify such entry in any way and in any and all media without limitation, and without consideration or acknowledgement to the respondent.

**The WSU Creamery does not share any personally identifying information collected online with any outside party. Email addresses collected are not rented, sold or exchanged with any outside party.

***COPPA, the Federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act prohibits us from collecting any information from children under 13 years of age. Parents, however, may give consent for their children to submit recipes to the WSU Creamery. To do so, please contact us via email or at 509-335-4014.